Telephone Contact: 01727572580
ICO Registered Data Controller: Mr Marc Asante
Organization: UPL Confidential & Risk Management
ICO Reference No: ZA559758
I am Marc Asante, I'm the Managing Proprietor of UPL Confidential & Risk Management.
We investigate exaggerated, misleading, and fraudulent investment schemes.
These are commonly referred to as 'Boiler Room Scams'
We also investigate serious breaches of money laundering and financial crime regulations by a number of UK banks.
These serious breaches by UK banks may have contributed to many people losing money at the hands of investment fraudsters.
You may have clicked on this link via a search engine.
You may have searched this telephone number after recently receiving a call from me.
It is important that you know who is calling you, and the person and organization are legitimate.
I am the only person in my organization that will ever make an initial call to anyone who is not an existing client.
Over the last 12 years we have developed a database of over 200,000, UK based, potential investors.
It is likely many of those potential investors have been contacted by culprit firms and individuals promoting exaggerated, misleading, and fraudulent investment schemes.
Due to the scope and potential for financial loss, it is necessary for us to contact potential investors to establish if they have suffered a financial loss as described.
In the public interest we have a 'legitimate interest' to contact and identify those investors who have lost money as described, for the purposes of financial crime detection and prevention, banking regulation compliance, and potential recovery remedy.