1. We are a private investigations agency, we represent a select number of private clients.
2. We operate as a Managed Proprietorship whereby the Managing Proprietor has Unlimited Personal Liability.
3. We specialise in the pursuit and recovery of client funds paid to culprit investment firms.
4. In most cases funds paid to culprit firms are not protected under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
5. We do not sell, promote or recommend any type of investment whatsoever.
6. We do not engage in the selling or liquidation of any assets under any circumstances.
7. We are not a claims management company.
1. Capital sums invested are usually £25,000 or above.
2. Applicants would be resident or domiciled in the UK.
3. Applicants may be asked to verify source of capital sums invested.
4. Applicants must be able to verify the transaction(s) which relate to the capital sums invested.
5. Applicants must not be bankrupt or subject to an IVA.
6. Applicants must complete our Client Services Application Questionnaire, (CSAQ).
7. Applicants may be required to meet with the Managing Proprietor prior to being offered representation.
Provision Strategy
1. Each service provision agreement runs until a mutually satisfactory recovery outcome is achieved.
2. We conduct intrusive investigations on culprits and enablers associated with capital sums taken from our clients.
3. We investigate, track down and disrupt culprit individuals and their enablers once we have verified they are
or have been associated to a culprit firm engaged in promoting misleading investment offerings to our client.
4. We contract third-party knowledge partners and professional individuals with expertise in-:
Aggravated Debt Purchase
Asset Track & Trace
Asset & Cash Seizure
Commercial Disruption
Deep Investigations
Forensic Accounting
Financial Disruption
Professional Negligence
Repetitive Contact Strategies
Personal & Commercial Surveillance
Personal Disruption
5. We consult with a barrister KC and other legal professionals to ensure we have implemented
the appropriate legal framework within which to operate all pursuit & recovery actions.
Application Process & Protection
1. All applications are subject to a risk assessment to determine likelihood of recovery success in percentage terms.
2. All applications for pursuit & recovery representation will be carefully considered.
3. We understand that nobody wishes to be reminded that they were falsely persuaded to part with large sums of
money for what they thought was a legitimate investment offering.
4. The application process is designed so that applicants will not be required to continually revisit this unpleasant experience beyond the completion of the application questionnaire.
5. The application process is designed to provide us with all necessary information to determine client eligibility so
that if approved the applicant receives the appropriate provision of service and protection.
6. All information provided shall remain completely confidential and shall only be used internally for risk assessment
and preliminary investigation purposes.
7. Every application is subject to final approval by the Managing Proprietor once we have carried out a risk
assessment and preliminary investigation at no cost to the applicant.
8. When an application is unsuccessful we inform the applicant in writing outlining the reasons we are unable to offer representation, with advice of other avenues they may be able to take to seek legal remedy for their financial loss.